Privacy Glass Swith Modes On and Off

HR Loves ‘Privacy ‘ Film on Clear Glass

Once Upon a Time, there was a Huge Misconception that Privacy and Glass can’t go together (without curtains).  With New Research in Liquid Crystals and Polymers, Science has invented a Liquid Crystal Layer embedded in a Polymer that can be inserted in a Panel of Glass and can be turned ‘Clear’ or ‘Opaque’ at will, at the speed of light.

Electronically Operated Privacy Switchable Clear Glass Can Add Privacy and an Extreme Sense of Luxury and Strong Security.

Now we give you Total Privacy on Demand with a Switch, without the inconvenience of Curtains or Blinds, and Delivered as Just a Film!

Welcome to Future Automatic Privacy Controlled Windows

Add Wonder of Technology to Every Glass

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Privacy Glass Swith Modes On and Off
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Switchable Glass or Film may initially look like a replacement for Curtains. While Curtains can be very efficiently replaced with Switchable Glass, there are many benefits and money-saving opportunities that are connected to this Privacy Technology.

Curtains need constant care like washing and cleaning and replacement due to fading. They are ideal to accumulate Germs and dust. That is why Medical Clinics and Operating Theatres prefer the Switchable Glass option over traditional Curtains.

Speed and ease of activation and the ability to Open or Close with a variety of switches can be used to automate Privacy
In large areas where a lot of people work together, especially where various hierarchies blend, Privacy has an important role in giving extra space to everyone.

Most offices and manufacturing areas deploy glass to separate areas for many reasons. Easy supervision, isolation of bosses from the floor, providing private moments for urgent Task Group meetings, etc. are good reasons to use switchable privacy.

Some Banks, Hotels, and Hospitals find that extra internal glass makes their facilities look far more expansive and impressive to visitors and even staff, but when in operation they could isolate areas as the need arises for privacy for efficiency, and fall back to normal again when the demand is gone.

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Future-Windows are Based on Liquid Crystal Technology

  • Electrically Switchable Magic Glass & Film is a result of extensive research in Advanced Polymer Sciences and studies in the behavior of Liquid Crystals in different situations. Liquid Crystals are impregnated in the High Strength Polymer, which also has 2 Electrodes connected to an inner layer of the Polymer.
  • In the Natural State the Polymer is Opaque and does not allow Vision through the Film due to the alignment of the Liquid Crystals. When a small Electrical Charge is applied to the Electrodes these LCs align in a formation that allows complete Light and Vision, and becomes Transparent.

Individual Definitions of Privacy

Privacy is important for any occupation in an Enterprise, from the janitors to the President. We support the extensive use of Glass by providing Privacy Switchable Clear Glass and Films to keep the balance. Complete Privacy can be obtained in seconds by flipping a switch and turned back on for full view in only 20 milliseconds!

If Privacy Is to be applied to these Commercial Environments with Efficiency as the tangible benefit to the Organization, this benefit must come mainly from the Human Resource dept.’s productivity.

When a little thought is given to this dilemma, we realize Restrooms in Large Office or Factory environments are the only places some Privacy could be found. We also realized that people rush to the toilet when confronted by angry bosses or customers who are extra vocal.

Humans Need Privacy to Reset Themselves. It Is Quite Evident in Working Team Environments That Privacy Adds to Productivity When Done in Closed Rooms Such as Board Rooms. People Get Distracted When Un-Involved Others Look and Stare at Them. Audit Teams, Design Teams, Negotiators, And Even Janitors Find Comfort When Some Privacy Is Added to an Area, Isolating Them from Un-Involved Onlookers.
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