S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Makes Risky Changes Look Easy
New Technologies Help Utilities, Enterprises, Factories, Hotels & Hospitals, everyday to Increase their Return on Investment (ROI). They Help Companies Save Time and Money and Make Impacts on the Bottom Line. We Promote a Few Newer Technologies to Increase Efficiency and ROI by Optimizing Costs.
All Suggestion and Tools We Offer Can Fit in the S.M.A.R.T Goals Framework and Objectives. and helps Improve Existing Practices, Technologies and Processes.
What is a SMART Goal?
Contrary to Popular Belief, SMART is a Goal Setting and Achieving framework that helps you Easily Reach Goals with impact. SMART acronym stands for Parts of a realistic Goal
8 Key Technologies to Optimize Cost & Profit
We Promote Tech., Devices & Tools to Increase Efficiency, Save Costs & Raise ROIs of Businesses. With a Few Small Changes, these will Increase your ROI to Show Big Effects.
Higher Efficiency in Areas Discussed Below (1-8) Will Easily Reduce Time, Efforts & Costs. Lowered Costs, Will Improve Profits and ROI.
Find a few Valuable, hand-picked Products based on below Technologies in Our Shop. They are Easy to Add to your existing Systems and Use.
Need to upgrade Your System or fit Products to a Need in an existing Proces? Simply Send us some details and Our Technical Team will provide necessary Information towards Cost Saving and Success.
All Tech. Based Solutions Offered Here Can Fit in Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals!
1. Alternate Energy

Having so much Free Energy around, should we waste money on Energy? All it takes is a Onetime Investment on a Solar, Wind or Hydro System to match the Industry and Environment. Energy is the biggest support to a higher ROI of any Business or Enterprise. Long Term ROI growth is assured as Solar or Wind Systems pay back in 5 to 8 years, with a service life of well over 20 years. Set S.M.A.R.T Goals anf change your Power Dependency. This is Usually the Biggest Money Saver for Most! Read More?
2. Predictive Maintenance

Faulty or Aging Machines, Switchgear & Equipment consume more Energy than Usually shown in Specifications of Machines and Equipment. Switch-boards and Electrical Connection degrade over time and Heat-up wasting Paid-for Energy. Identify such Wastes early can save money and sudden break-downs. Regular Maintenance too can be planned well in advance with new Tools and support Software.
Avoid the Nightmare of a Sudden Breakdown and Finding that You Dont Have a Vital Part to Get Back to Operation. With A Predictive Maintenance Prograsm in place you will know the exact condition of any Machine, Switchboard, Cable, Wiring, Pipework… scope is endless
3. Energy Saving & Optimization

An average Home loses about 30% of the Energy they pay for., Factories and Larger Building Like Hotels and Hospitals, Factories, Industries and Enterprises loose much more, at times up to 40 of CODB. Main causes are aging Machines and Equipment, wasteful processes and human neglect. Its good to remember that every Watt of power saved is free energy earned. Another good area to Set S.M.A.R.T Goals, change your Carbon Footprint and Save Money and the Planet too.
4. Active Oxygen (O3) Ozone

If well informed, Most Enterprises and industries can use Oxidation with Ozone to their advantage. Uses like Recycling Liquid Waste, Adding Oxygen to AC Air, Destroying Germs and Smells without Chemicals, Lowering Laundry and costs. Purifying Process Water etc. can Save much Industrial Costs. It is now Required to pre-wash Bottles and Equipment in Bottling Plants with Ozone Water before filling. The FDA has approve Using Ozone to Clean and Extend Life of all Food Products. also read our reports for more data..
5. HR Wellness Optimize

Most important Asset of any Business, Enterprise or Industry is its Human (HR) Resource. Insurance after the event for sickness is Common practice in Most Companies. We Propose additional ways to Reduce Sickness, Sick Leave, Measure Staff Wellness and Raise Motivation for higher Productivity. ROI is a direct function of HR Efficiency, which depends on the Health and Mindset of Staff and their Interaction with their Clients. Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals here can change your HR Loyalty.
Today, Epi-genetic Science is in the cutting-edge of Human Wellness. However, the Pharma industry may not be sidelined from curing sicknesses for a long time. We propose you act while you are healthy to preserve your wellness for as long as you can. Natural aging and Sickness will get to all of us in time. Stay Optimized while we can. Read More to Know about How Epigenetics and Food Control Our Health.
6. Privacy On / Off Glass

Need for Privacy to Perform Precise Jobs In Today’s New Digital Work Situations. Privacy is Yet Ignored, As in the Industry 2.0 Era when Mass Production and Aggressive Sales Won the Day. Staff when Stressed Get Distracted and Make Costly Mistakes. Privacy Is Vital for Sensitive or Critical Jobs. Using Privacy Film On Existing Glass Allows Controlling Privacy with a Switch when needed. From Manual Laborers to CEO and Chairman can perform better with On-Off Privacy!
- With a Small Current, Switch a Whole Area to Private
- Privacy On Demand is Ideal for Staff who must FOCUS
- A Must Have for Teams Who Need Quality Time, Without Distraction.
- From Board-Rooms to Lunch-Rooms to Labs and Factory Areas-
to Cut Distractions & Boost Efficiency. - Disruptions Usually Cost Much More to Rectify After an Event has Occurred.
- Manual-Worker to The CEO and Chairman Love and Need Privacy to Perform Diligently.
- Ability To Switch Privacy Creates a Unified Atmosphere
7. 3D Printing

Additive Manufacturing May Not Look Very Useful in Daily Operations. When COVID-19 Disrupted Global Supply Chains and Broke-Down Medical Supplies, Most Medical Hardware Were Printed Locally Harnessing the Power Of 3D Printers in all Corners of The Country, Showing the Power of Distributed Manufacturing to The World. If Used with Some Thought, S.M.A.R.T Goals and Planning, Small to Large 3D Printers Can be Most Useful Tools to Increase Manufacturing Efficiency, Reduce Costs and ROI
8. Germ and COVID Destroying AC Filters 8.

We Supply Advanced Electro-Static Filters that Destroy All Virus, Bactria, Fungus, Pollen etc. in Circulating Air in AC Spaces, especially useful during this COVID-19 fiasco. Our ESP Falters also remove all Dust and Pollen, upgrading Indoor Air to Clean Room quality Air. No Killer Germs, Allergy or Asthma, or dust in your building. Reduced Sick Leave etc.
Change all your Central AC Filters to Electrostatic Filters now. Request Quotes for Special Electro-Static Air Filters for your Building HVAC System and Save.
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Nihal E
See LinkedIn Profile www.linkedin.com/in/nihalanuraedirisinghe
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