Build Intricate Designs Better & Faster With 3D Printing

3D Manufacturing, if seen from a child’s point of view, is just 3-axis printing. Normal printing is done on a flat surface along the ‘x-axis and ‘y’-axis. Adding the ‘z’ axis adds depth or height to the picture, forming a cube. If unnecessary parts are not printed, the desired 3D object will turn up

Simple as it may seem, many wonderful applications of this technology are in use today. Parts of aircraft are made in small quantities, in Titanium, at a fraction of the traditional mass-produced cost. While in the other end, mass producers are cutting their prototyping costs and new design times, so better products are put out sooner at lower costs.

A Wide Choice of 3D Printers and Material

Basic 3D Printers Use Plastic or Easily Melt-able Filament to Extrude a Thermoplastic Material in Layers Along ‘X’, ‘Y’, and ‘Z’ To Create the Desired Model. Many Types Of 3D Printing or Additive Manufacturing Processes Were Developed by R&D to Suit the Properties of The Material Used, its Limitations, and Possible Applications, 

Today vast ranges of material are available as Filament for RepRap and other FFM TYPE Printers which are reasonably Priced and can Produce many Cost Saving Additions to an Enterprise of Business


Industrial 3D Printing or Additive Manufacturing Can Save Lots of Money in Any Industry, Enterprise, or Home.  Industrial 3D Printing Is Now Changing Mass Production from a Massive Energy Guzzling Effort to A Clean, Efficient Process, Now, ‘Manufacturing-On-Demand’ To Meet Exact Calls for Products or Parts is Possible with Very Big Savings. Distributed Manufacturing Is a Cost Saving Reality Now

500mm/s Fast Speed, 64-bit Processor, CoreXY Structure, 175*180*170mm

A Revolution in The History of Manufacturing

History of our World changed when the founder of 3D Systems Inc. patented 3D Printing in 1986, as a new technique called Stereo Lithography. We consider this a Path-Changing event in Human History. After that, many others also came up with various specializations of 3D Printing. In 2007, Dr. Adrian Bowyer came up with the Rep Rap Project to design a Printer that can print another 3D Printer. Paradoxical as it may seem this was the first real-life Self Replicating Machine (correct me). But 3D Printing did not take over and dominate the world of manufacturing. The technology grew horizontally into all kinds of 3D Printing or Additive Manufacturing so much, today there are 10 mainstream types of Additive Manufacturing systems being perfected. Technologies to Print various materials, from Plastics to any kind of Metal are commercially available now.

Many 3DP Technologies to Serve You!

13+ TYpes of 3D Printing can use any imaginable material to print your Design
Click to Enlarge

Today there are over 10 mainstream types of Industrial 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing systems being perfected. Technologies to Print using various materials, from Plastics to Glass to Metals are freely available

We Can Provide Very High-tech. Products with Well-known Brand Names from the Best Global Manufacturers with After Sales Support, Training, and Guidance. Send Us Some Basic Specifications from Your Engineering Planners, So We Can Offer High-End Alternatives to Study. For Large or Advanced Needs, we will Put You Directly in Touch with our Principals & Offer the Best Possible Terms. If What You Need Is Not Found in Our Store, Please Write to Us for 3 Free Quotes. 

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3D Printers - editor's pick - click to buy

High speed X1 Carbon Combo 3D printer Large size fully automatic multi color professional Multi-axis, Heated Bed -Build Size: 256x256x256mm
GMAKER G5 Pro SLA LCD Resin 3D Printer With Curing Machine Auto Leveling Feeding Double Curing - Build Size: 221*130*260mm
Creality 3D Ender-3 V3 SE Printer Sprite Direct Extrusion 250mm/S Faster Printing Speed Dual Z-Axis-Print Size 220x220x250mm

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